Salem 1906

A witch-trials Live Action Role Play Game

Apologies, for the puny look of the site, the font-problems and all. I first made it on the previous version of google-pages, and the merge to the new version made it look like this. I'll just have to find the time to fix this...

Thanks for the understanding.

What is this?

Salem 1906 is a Live Action Role-Playing game (a.k.a a LARP) of the Free-Form style that enrolls the occuring in a fictional suburb of Danvers, Massachusetts, in the year 1906.

The Story and the Game

The game story is in deed fiction, however, it is strongly affected by the 1692 Salem witch-trials that took place in the real Salem Village, New England in 1692.

The idea to make it a Live Action Role-Play game came under impressions of The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, available as a film and on stage as a play, and the party game - Mafia.


Get in touch!

Have questions? Have a feedback? Want help running the game? Contact Me!

I'd be happy to get a contact from you.

Beginner to Wizard - The complete handbook

Handbook for producing and conducting a game of

Salem 1906 - found in the resources page.

Last Updates

2016 Runs in French

Pictures of 3 Sessions from 2016 that were run in French and port of the game to French (with spoilers)

Past Runs Reviews

A page where I publish impressions from previous runs, and feedbacks that get to me by Contact page.

(Feb 3rd 2009)


Flyer for KP 2009 in 4inA4 layout added.

(April 9th, 2009)

Document for the game master updated in the resources page

(May 25th 2008)

The original version in hebrew uploaded to the Resources page

(May 25th 2008)